7 myths about sex abuse in churches

J.D. GreearAll Enews

…our churches. Myth 1: Sexual abuse in the church is not really a problem, but simply the latest leftist-attack on the church. The problem of sexual abuse in the Southern…

Get Real West

Adam BurtAll Enews, Next-Gen

Students at Get Real Montana

…school you can’t afford not to send your students to Get Real West. For additional info, promotional materials, permission slips and more please visit our website, www.mtsbc.org/get-real-west.html or contact Next-Gen…

How is your Spiritual Love Tank?

Darren HalesAll Enews, Strengthening Team

…Pressures?  It is worth 15 minutes! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWfx2LRA_7Q You can also create this type of healthy culture in your local church.  This course if free and downloadable: www.emotionallyhealthy.org/run-the-course. About the Author…