Church Revitalization
GOD CAN MAKE ANY CHURCH COME ALIVE, but its people must turn to the Lord and experience revitalization God’s way. The five revitalization principles of church renewal that every church needs to experience are:
- A fresh, biblically based vision from the Lord
- A restored unity of the people
- Mobilization of the membership to do the will of God
- A renewed commitment to outreach and evangelism
- Life-giving empowerment by the Holy Spirit

Church Replanting
Is your church struggling to embrace a changing culture and community? Is your membership dwindling because of frustration, confusion, and exhaustion? You are not alone. There is hope.
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EMPOWERING CHURCHES to greater health. Together. Explore how your church can join hundreds of partner churches to grow healthy churches…Together. The Resound Network is a ministry of the Missouri Baptist Convention and is supported by the Cooperative Program and the Missouri Missions Offering.
Visit the Resound Network
Revitalize & Replant Podcast
REVITALIZE & REPLANT is sponsored by the North American Mission Board and More than 10% of churches in North America are at risk of closing and the North American Mission Board is committed to reversing this trend by decreasing the death rate of existing churches while simultaneously increasing the birth rate of new churches. To learn more about what it means to become a replanting pastor or to explore resources for replanting and revitalization in your own church, visit
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