
“One of the most beneficial relationships I had as a church planter was a ministry coach. He helped me think through my ministry priorities and create strategic action steps to accomplish the vision God had placed on my heart. The principles I learned apply to any pastor. To this day, I still have a coach! He is that valuable. A coaching relationship will help you be more effective in leading a healthy church who is living out their mission of making disciples.”

~Darren Hales~



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Every Leader Needs a Coach

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8 Ways Coaches Help Leaders Who Are Stuck

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Biblical Foundations of Coaching

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IN THE BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS OF COACHING, by Robert E. Logan, readers will understand that coaching is a form of encouragement and discipleship, of listening to the Holy Spirit and following what God has called us to do.
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Pipeline Coaching

Lifeway Leadership

COME TO PIPELINE COACHING, leave with a plan. These live events provide you with practical, hands-on coaching with church leadership experts from across the country. The result is a personalized strategy you can take home and implement immediately in your church.

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