Get Real East will be April 21-22 at Elevation Church in Billings. The theme this year is “A Life that Hits Different.” The theme verse is Romans 12:2, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”
Students today are under tremendous pressure to conform to the world. Most of them view video content and hear music on a regular basis that distorts God’s truth about who they are and what they are supposed to be focused on with their lives. At best, most of them get just a few hours a week in their Bibles to combat the continuous stream of worldly messaging.

Get Real gives you a chance to give your students a day and half of time with their student leader and other students focused on learning and applying God’s truth. Our own Dave Carroll will be the speaker this year. Those of you who know Dave know that he is a committed man of God with a very unique ability to connect with students. I know your students will benefit from his Bible teaching and his challenges from God’s word to live biblically faithful lives.

In addition to fantastic Bible teaching and calls to trust Christ as their savior, your students and their leaders will be blessed to worship with live, contemporary Christian music with the Christian band Common Worship. They led worship at Get Real West last year and did a super job. These will be times to sing the praises of God and draw near to Him in worship.
Your students need this time with their Christian peers. They need to be encouraged to pursue the Lord with their minds. They need the time in God’s word in an environment uniquely shaped for them.
In addition, we’ll have a training time for student leaders. Most of our churches depend on volunteers to lead our student ministries. But, whether they are volunteers or paid staff, I’m sure your student leaders have questions about how to be more effective in teaching the students God has entrusted to them. On Friday morning, they’ll get that chance to talk to Dave and Lance McMahon. Student ministry has always been challenging. Now, it’s open spiritual warfare. Let’s give our students and their leaders some spiritual ammunition.
You can find all the information you need about Get Real East, hotels, registering, and filling out permission materials at God has entrusted young people to you. Let’s do all we can to give them a fighting chance to become the men and women of God that the Lord wants them to become. I know you’ll be glad you gave your students this chance to let God speak into their lives.