Meet Our Church Replanters

The Bournes
Bethel Baptist Church (Billings, Montana)
The Bournes are replanting a church in a diverse neighborhood close to downtown Billings known as the South Side. The Bournes have loved and lived in this neighborhood since 2010 and began to dream of doing ministry here immediately after moving in. God closed many doors until opening the one He had planned. It is perfectly located, within a 5 minute walk of 3 schools, as the Bournes have a specific passion to reach families in need of the hope of the gospel. Jeremy and Veronica are raising four future men: Kaden, Ezekiel, Hezekiah, and Levi.

The Shermans
Wolf Point Native Church (Wolf Point, Montana)
The Shermans are replanting a church in Wolf Point, on the Fort Peck Indian Reservation. Wolf Point Native Church was close to closing and was only being kept open by the pastor of another church. The Shermans have been called here from Arkansas and are excited to see positive changes in the people of Wolf Point and surrounding area. After failed attempts at finding housing and employment, God has opened doors for both. Billy Joe and Deanne have three girls, Heidi, Haley, and Destiny, and one son, Mason, as well as 6 grandkids.