Effective Ministry Leadership

Darren HalesAll Enews, Strengthening Team

Most agree that Ephesians 4:11-12 demonstrates God’s plan to grow and mature His Church. No matter which translation you read, the emphasis of the text is that Christ Himself personally gave the Church (among others) pastors to train His people for the work of the ministry. They are to build up the body of Christ by investing their time and … Read More

Multiplication of Ministry Specialists and Coaches

Darren HalesAll Enews, Strengthening Team

One of my priorities as the Church Strengthening Team Leader is to develop ministry specialists in each region of our state who can encourage, exhort, and equip churches in their region to be more effective in a specific area of ministry. I believe that as we develop and deploy empowered leaders in our churches, those churches have a greater Gospel … Read More

A Collective Mission

Darren HalesAll Enews, Strengthening Team

The birth of the church in Antioch is found in Acts 11. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, men from Cyprus and Cyrene went to Antioch where they shared the Gospel with Greeks and a great number believed. When this reached the ears of the church in Jerusalem, they sent Barnabas to check it out. The grace of God was evident … Read More