A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Darren HalesAll Enews, Strengthening Team

As you look out on your congregation, what do you see? Do you see an abundance of potential resources, co-laborers, and disciple makers? Or, do you view your church family through the lens of scarcity? There really isn’t much there to work with, is there? What you believe about them is what you will see in them. Think about that … Read More

The Disciple Maker Card

Darren HalesAll Enews, Strengthening Team

In any discipleship process, relationships are essential. A disciple maker is seeking to engage the heart of a new believer, or a disciple partner, with spiritual truths that lead to life transformation. These spiritual conversations have a high view of Scripture and emphasize our response to the Holy Spirit. What is God saying? What are you going to do about it? Discipleship can be … Read More

Who Has Your Back?

Darren HalesAll Enews, Strengthening Team

There is nothing more comforting than a friend or family group who has your best interest at heart.  You know that no matter what you are facing, you can count on them to support and encourage you. They are a GRACE ZONE, because they understand what you are facing, and they sincerely care about you. In pastor life, these types … Read More

Discover, Develop, and Deploy

Darren HalesAll Enews, Strengthening Team

In 2 Timothy 2:1-2, we read an exhortation of the Apostle Paul to Timothy, which is a key principle in developing leaders. We are to entrust to faithful men (and women) what we have been taught, so those we are discipling can teach others. That’s four generations of discipleship in one verse. Our investment in developing disciple makers propels the … Read More

Baptism Sunday

Darren HalesAll Enews, Strengthening Team

One of the great joys of summer is to see our churches celebrating baptism in the lakes and rivers of Montana. While the sun is hot, we seek to take advantage of the narrow window of opportunity for this format, even though the water is still very much cold. As those who have responded to the Gospel with repentance and faith identify … Read More

It Started in a Coffee Shop

Darren HalesAll Enews, Planting Team, Strengthening Team

How can the prayers of 5 college students in Pullman, WA, be used by God to start a collegiate church planting movement? That’s a great question! It’s an amazing story of life transformation, which is now unfolding at the University of Montana and Montana State University! I They longed to see the Kingdom of Heaven experienced on earth! As they … Read More

How is your Spiritual Love Tank?

Darren HalesAll Enews, Strengthening Team

Do you ever feel like you are running on empty and there is nothing left to give? You are not alone, pastor. If we are not careful, the unrelenting pressures of life and ministry can put stress and strain on our relationships and leave us emotionally unhealthy. Though we know the value and promise of “Abide” from John 15, our … Read More

Wild and Wide-Open

Darren HalesAll Enews, Strengthening Team

If you ask Morris Hill about what God is doing in St. Regis, MT, he couldn’t be more excited. The church is growing, leaders are being developed, and souls are being saved! He says ministry right now is “wild and wide-open” as they prepare for mission teams this summer. Like many churches, New Day Fellowship uses the summer months to engage their … Read More

Raise Expectations!

Darren HalesAll Enews, Strengthening Team

In Matthew 4:19, Jesus called His first disciples. He said… “Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” This calling was a personal invitation to know Him, to live in relationship with Him, and to join Him in His mission. This incredible life changing, paradigm shifting invitation from the Messiah also came with a cost. A true disciple … Read More

The Road Home

Darren HalesAll Enews, Strengthening Team

As the new year began, Park City Baptist Church began a new chapter in the life of their church by calling Chris and Traci Rafferty and their family. For Traci, this is a return home. She was raised in a Catholic home and attended Billings West High School.  She was saved at Calvary Baptist Church in Laurel in 1992 and attended … Read More