The MPact Breakouts Will Be Great

Barrett DukeAll Enews

MPact is just a couple weeks away. If you haven’t made your hotel reservation yet, you need to do that immediately. We’re running out of rooms! You can find all the information you need at While you’re there, look over the schedule. It includes all the breakouts. We have some really great breakouts planned. Below is the whole list and some info about the speakers:

Pulpits, Parenting, and Living in a Fishbowl – Mike and Cheryl Kolesar

This talk will help equip ministry families with the tools and principles they need to create a home of peace and respect while balancing the demands of ministry. Its principles and advice are vetted and biblical. Join us to be equipped and inspired to lead your flock and love your family.

Mike and Cheryl are both educators, the founders of TELOS One Day Academy, and the directors of

Supporting the Church to Boldly Speak the Truth – Gena McFarland

The Alliance Defending Freedom is one of the most significant Christian public policy advocacy groups in the country. You will want to hear Gena discuss how ADF is working with the new Trump administration, legal and legislative updates, and proactively protecting your church’s religious freedom.

Gena is the Regional Manager for ADF’s Church and Ministry Alliance,

Renew Montana: Pursuing a Culture of Spiritual Renewal – Dave Howe/Darren Hales

At the heart of church revitalization is spiritual renewal. This conviction asserts that God can transform any church that is completely surrendered to Him.  Using the principles of Flickering Lamps by Henry Blackaby, this breakout will enable you to access the health of your church and unpack the essential steps to pursue a culture of continual renewal.

Darren is the MTSBC Church Strengthening Director.

Dave is the pastor of Madison Valley Baptist Church, Ennis.

Relying on God: The Power of Worship-Based Prayer – Jeremy Bourne

Ministry is hard. Really hard. At one point the Apostle Paul compares his ministry to a death sentence- but then says the challenges of ministry teach us to rely on God not ourselves. This breakout will equip and encourage you to prioritize Scripture based prayers to renew your soul and empower your ministry.

Jeremy is the pastor of Bethel Baptist Church, Billings.

Getting the Most Out of Your Mission Teams – Darryl Brunson

Mission teams make tremendous contributions to the life and ministry of a church if they are utilized well. Pastor Brunson utilizes dozens of mission teams every year as part of his church’s outreach to Livingston. Come learn how to get the most productivity out of your mission teams and ensure they come back next year, too.

Darryl is the founding pastor of Expedition Church, Livingston.

Pastors’ Wives Breakout – Jenna Hallock

As pastors’ wives, we desire spiritual renewal for both ourselves and our congregations. Come hear Jenna Hallock share her story and the lessons she learned as the Lord renewed their congregation in Colorado. This will be a two-session continuous breakout.

Jenna is Pastor Mark Hallock’s wife and a Coach with Alongside Ministry Wives,

Calling Out the Called – Dave Howeth

God chooses to work through His people to accomplish His eternal purpose. Discover how God calls you and others to make a difference. In this breakout discover ways God calls out the called in your church to serve as volunteers, disciples, and ministry leaders.  Walk away with steps on how God calls the called in our churches and learn how to join the Lord in developing laborers for the harvest.

Dave is the Send Network Church Planting Leader for Montana.

Becoming a Multiplying Church – Mark Hallock

Calvary Church, Englewood, CO, could be called the “poster church” for what it means to be a multiplying church. Under the leadership of Pastor Mark Hallock, the church has gone from a struggling congregation of 30 worshippers in 2009 to a spiritually vibrant congregation with a network of 35 locations spread out across the Rocky Mountain region and beyond. Pastor Hallock will share with you the principles that made this transformation possible. Come learn the proven principles for becoming a successful multiplying church.

Mark is the Senior Pastor of Calvary Church, Englewood, CO.

God’s Plan for Sharing– Jeff Hessinger

Welcome to THE Evangelism Breakout. Whether you’re a pastor or ministry leader this breakout has something just for you. We will look at evangelism resources for the local church, how to shift church culture, and how to get more people doing evangelism.

Jeff is the Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church, Thompson Falls.

You should be at this. And you should bring your church leadership. There is no charge to attend MPact, and the hotel rooms are free to our pastors. I look forward to seeing you in Butte.

About the Author

Barrett Duke

Barrett Duke is the Executive Director and Treasurer for the Montana Southern Baptist Convention.