MPact 2025 is in a new location and at a new time. We’re meeting at the Copper King Hotel and Convention Center in Butte, starting at 1pm on Thursday, February 20, and ending at 5:00 pm on Friday, February 21. It’s going to be a fantastic event! I’ve been looking forward to it for months. Please note the date change, get it on your calendar, and protect it.

Our keynote speaker for MPact 2025 is Pastor Mark Hallock. I don’t know Mark, but I know his reputation and I know the church Mark pastors. When I was in Denver in the 80s and 90s, Calvary Baptist in Englewood, Colorado lived on the edge of extinction. No one had been able to pull them back from the brink. Then Mark Hallock came along and all of that changed. Calvary Baptist went from an unremarkable, dying little church surrounded by an ocean of homes to a vibrant, spiritual powerhouse with 35 church plants in its fellowship scattered across Colorado and beyond.
Calvary Baptist in Englewood (a suburb of Denver) is a true turnaround story. Their story is especially encouraging because they didn’t build new buildings or use a massive cash infusion to turn things around. Instead, their pastor employed some basic principles of renewal and gave God room to work.
Mark will be with us the entire time at MPact. He will speak about spiritual renewal at all three general sessions. He will talk about what spiritual renewal will look like in your church so you can get a mental picture of what’s possible when the people of God decide to follow Jesus. He’ll talk about what we as church leaders need to do to do encourage renewal in our churches. And, he’ll talk about what needs to happen in our people’s lives for our churches to experience spiritual renewal. Mark has also agreed to talk about church multiplication during a breakout session. With 35 church plants in their young history of church planting, I think you can see why you could learn a lot about how it’s done and help us double the number of churches in Montana.
I encourage you to bring your church leadership to MPact this year, especially your deacons and anyone responsible for discipleship. I’m even making some grant money available to churches to help cover the costs of bringing their leadership if they need it. As you know, we don’t have a lot of excess money these days. But I believe this is that important. The money will be available on a first-come basis. When it’s gone, it’s gone.
Jenna Hallock will be speaking at our pastor’s wives breakout on Friday morning. The pastor’s wife is too often the loneliest person in the church. Every pastor’s wife will benefit from being there. As always, childcare will be provided during all of MPact. There will be plenty of other great breakout sessions, too. Darren Hales is putting the finishing touches on several of them now.
We’ll be offering the Affinity Group time again this year, too. It will start on Friday afternoon at 1:30. That means you could get lunch together and continue to meet until 3:30 if you wanted to. This time is for you to do whatever you want to do. Maybe gather some people together to pray. Maybe meet with some other pastors in your associational region. Maybe meet to talk about cultural issues. Maybe just get in some good fellowship time. You decide what you want to do and ask some others to join you. If you want a meeting place reserved for you to meet in, let Jeannie ([email protected]) or Shaina ([email protected]) know. That’s the best way to make sure you have your own space.
I’m also looking forward to worshipping again with the wonderful worship team from Crossway Baptist in Springfield, Missouri. Mark Mathes and his worship team walk closely with the Lord and you can tell it when they’re singing and leading us in worship.
You want to be there for this MPact. You want your leadership to be there. The MTSBC is paying for your hotel room because we believe this meeting is that important for you and your church. I hope you’ll stay till the end. I’m sure you’ll be glad you did. Please register right away so we can know how many people are coming and make sure we’re ready. You can register at I look forward to seeing you there.