Darryl and Veronica Brunson grew up in a small town in south Alabama. In 2014, they answered the call to plant a church in Livingston, Montana. In 2016, they packed up and headed for the mountains. After interning with Church of the Rockies in Red Lodge, Montana, for almost a year, they finally made the move to Livingston.
With the help of mission teams to extend their reach into the community, a core group of people began gathering to study the Bible. On Sunday, May 19, 2018, Expedition Church was formally launched. The definition of ‘expedition’ is a journey with a purpose. Their journey, their expedition, is to learn how, and to teach others how to Love God, Love Others, and Multiply Love. God is faithful, and has led them every step of the way on this expedition.
Darryl and Veronica have three children. They have a daughter, Rivers and son-in-love Quen; two sons, Jake and Tucker; and one precious grandson, Cooper. The Brunsons are excited and humbled in the ways that God has blessed and provided for His work in Livingston. They continue to look for Kingdom minded partners to assist them with prayer, financial support, and boots on the ground. The work is hard, but rewarding. The Brunson family is confident in God’s plan for Expedition Church.
The Church
Expedition Church
PO Box 701
Livingston, Montana
The Family
Family Members & Birthdays
Darryl (07/08)
Veronica (03/18)
Anniversary (09/08)
Jake (07/26)
Tucker (09/13)