Forty-five years of the Lord’s blessing at Yellowstone Christian College produces kingdom fruit over many years in numerous places. We thank the men and women, many of whom are celebrating in-person with Jesus today, for participating in building YCC for God’s glory.
If there was ever a time to support YCC, this is the day. You know I spoke openly in the past of troubled times at the college, mostly student behavior in the last two years. I can tell you today, without hesitation, great things are happening with the students at YCC. This is a great year at YCC.
Coats & Food – A spiritual and practical ministry revival of sorts is taking place at YCC. Recently, a group of students packed up some hot food meant for their weekend snacks and passed it out downtown, face to face with those in need. Not long after, a non-ministry degree student led the college in a winter coat drive for those in need. After two weeks of collection, several students and staff delivered the clothes and helped in a downtown ministry. This is in addition to the multiple ways our students are serving in their churches as staff or volunteers.
Faculty – Multiple faculty members have commented to me personally about their joy in seeing our students tuned in academically and spiritually in class and around the campus. YCC is a fun place to be these days.

Yellowstone Christian College, Billings, Montana
Accreditation – Accreditation documents totaling 802 pages were submitted this week leading to full accreditation review. The Commission on Accreditation (COA) five-member site-visit team will be at YCC in 2018. The COA decision will be February 2019. Nine years of work, first begun by Dr. Phillips, is coming to fruition.
New Degrees – Since about 85% of this region’s pastors and staff are bi-vocational, YCC believes we need to provide a way for these men and women to earn a living in their communities. Professional degrees in business and exercise science were added. Degrees in psychology and sports management are pending. These are in addition to Christian Leadership and Music & Worship degrees.
Church Start Incubator – We are making plans to begin a faculty guided, Saturday night church on campus using ministry students as the leadership team. This will be a Great Commission Center focusing on mentorship of our students. The Saturday night worship allows our students to continue work and ministry in their current churches. This is a win-win: a church “lab” for ministry students and in-depth mentorship for students working in churches throughout Billings.
Engaged Board – The recent meeting of the YCC Board of Directors demonstrated the optimism and excitement at YCC. Annexation into the city limits will provide for city water and sewer, necessary for growth on our property. Strategic planning confirms our growth pattern is underway. Confidence in the Lord’s provision is evident and tangible. We have an excited Board.

Yellowstone Christian College, Billings, Montana