A Message from the New MTSBC Executive Director

Barrett DukeAll Enews

Barrett Duke

The psalmist declared one day in God’s courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I agree. Any time spent with God and His people is an immeasurable blessing. So, you can imagine how Denise and I feel after having been with you for Refresh Montana.

Those of you who attended the annual meeting know what I’m talking about. It was a blessed time of spiritual refreshing. The fellowship, the challenges from God’s Word, and the fervent prayer combined to make the annual meeting a highlight of the year for us. And then, of course, there was the vote to confirm our belief that God has called us to serve alongside you in this beautiful state!

From the very first conversation with the search committee earlier this year, I was reminded why part of my heart stayed behind in Montana when I was with you at your annual meeting in 2012. This is truly a remarkable state being served by a remarkable group of dedicated Southern Baptists.

The emphasis on spiritual renewal at this year’s annual meeting reinforced all of that in our minds and hearts. Denise and I are genuinely moved by the sincere servant spirit and dedication to God that we witnessed. I believe God was pleased to meet with us during that time.

Denise and I believe God wants to reveal Himself in awesome ways in the coming years in Montana. We appreciate the trust you have placed in us to join you for what He is preparing to do. In fact, we are working as hard and as fast as we can to get back to all of you and the great state of Montana as soon as possible!

We ask you to continue to pray for us as we make this move, but more so, we ask that you would pray that God will enable us to pour out our lives with you for the sake of Jesus Christ and His great love. And, be assured of our daily prayers on your behalf. We’re going to have a great time in the Lord! See you soon.



About the Author

Barrett Duke

Barrett Duke is the Executive Director and Treasurer for the Montana Southern Baptist Convention.