Choosing the Important Over the Urgent

Lee MerckAll Enews, Planting Team

Charles Hummel wrote a booklet entitled Tyranny of the Urgent. In it he shares about the tension that exists between things that are truly important and things that are seemingly urgent. His conclusion was that seemingly urgent things in our lives frequently overcome the most important things in our lives. This led him to coin the phrase, tyranny of the urgent, which refers to the times “when seemingly urgent tasks become tyrants in our lives and keep us from being productive in the more important things of life.”

I’m going to make a bold statement, but one I believe is biblically accurate. There is nothing any of us will ever do in life or in ministry that is more important than to pray. Prayer has the power to effect the most significant changes in every sphere of life and certainly in every area of ministry. There is nothing greater we can do for the advancement of the gospel in Montana than to pray. Nothing will have more influence on the work of our churches than prayer. Let’s not let the seemingly urgent things in our lives keep us from being productive in the one thing that can make the biggest difference, prayer. For the sake of the mission, for the sake of the gospel, for the sake of the lost among us, will you come together online for a time of prayer on April 6, at 7:30 pm? Make plans to be a part of our first ever, all state, online prayer meeting! You will receive an email invite with a link to join the meeting. Feel free to forward it to others whom you know have a heart for prayer so that they might join us.

First Ever – All State – Online Prayer Meeting

406 Day of Prayer and Fasting

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

7:30 pm (Mountain Time)