If your childhood was anything like mine, summer meant being told to “go play outside” a lot. And that’s good advice since Montana summers are short and winters can be brutal.

But what do we do with our student ministry over the summer? Cancel it all together? Cut back some? The same thing we do during the school year? Or something else?
What you choose to do will depend on your specific group and context but here are just a few examples of things to do with your student ministry over the summer:
- Go outside – The church is the people, right? So, get out of the building! You could meet in a park, someone’s house, or right outside the church.
- Find some water – Slip’n’slides, water balloons, and trips to the lake all work a lot better during the summer than winter in Montana. If you’ve never done kick ball with kiddy pools you are missing out!
- Get away – Plan or find a summer camp, retreat, music festival, hike, or mission trip to get out of town and build relationships through adventure.

These are just a few examples of ways you can continue to deepen relationships with your regular students and provide easy opportunities for them to invite their friends to see what life as a Christian looks like.
For more ideas and strategies to make your student ministry a success this summer check out,
The Three Tasks of Summer Ministry by Jonathan McKee, Summer Youth Ministry: Grow Those Relationships from YM360 or contact me at the state office (I know how to make an amazing slip’n’slide). I’d love to strategize and pray with you about how to make a difference in the lives of students across Montana this summer.
Over 50 Respond at Get Real East AGAIN! – Montana Southern Baptist Convention
Contact Next-Gen Director Adam Burt for more details.
Adam Burt
Next-Gen Director