Does your church need a boost?
Is there more ministry to do than you have time for?
If you said “YES!” a Student Missionary could be the solution you’ve been looking for. Whether your Student Missionary comes out of your own congregation or from across the country, they can boost the excitement in your congregation and help you take advantage of ministry opportunities you just don’t have time for.
Student Missionaries can:
- Start a Discipleship group for students
- Promote Vacation Bible School
- Come along-side your current volunteers
- Encourage the homebound with a visit
- Host a prayer service
- Lead service projects around your city
- Organize the Sunday bulletin
- The possibilities are endless…
I know your congregation will be encouraged when they see the hand of God moving through a young person to accomplish his plan. And you can encourage that young person with a $1000 MTSBC grant for their 8-12 week service in addition to valuable ministry training they can use for the rest of their life.
The deadline for applications is April 15, so don’t delay.
Go here to fill out the applications or contact Next-Gen Director Adam Burt at [email protected] or 406-672-5532
- Next-Gen Leader Adam Burt with student Missionaries in Red Lodge, Montana.